Building leaner muscles requires a lot of patience, persistence and of course motivation. And while gender and genetics play a pivotal role in dictating the increase in your muscle size, your diet, lifestyle and training format are also important aspects of your journey. The key to gaining muscle mass is lifting heavy weights in high volumes, but following these expert tips will help you attain your fitness goals in no time.
Consume Plenty Of Proteins
Amino acids from proteins are the basic building blocks of cells and hence are responsible for muscle growth, recovery, and repair. As a rule of thumb, a healthy individual should consume between 1 to 2 grams of protein for each pound of body weight per day.However, the protein take can vary with respect to your exercise regime – the more intense the workout, the more proteins needed for recovery and growth. Also, it’s recommended to break down the total protein intake to about 20 grams a meal and split them throughout the day for optimal absorption.
Increase Your Calorie Intake
A calorie deficit hinders muscle growth as the body is not supplied with enough nutrients to perform normal activities. Even if you take ample proteins but not sufficient calories, the proteins will essentially be used to release energy in the body. To increase muscle mass, determine the calories you need to maintain your current weight and then add on 300 calories to put your body in an anabolic state.
Make Use Of Performance Enhancing Drugs
Performance boosting drugs like SARMscan speed up the process of safely packing on healthy muscle mass without any side effects. SARMs bind to selective androgen receptors on tissue cells to modify their functionality and boost muscle growth. Ligandrol, one of the most potent SARMs, is popular amongst athletes and bodybuilders due to its amazing benefits. It effectively increases your muscle mass, strength, and endurancein a surprisingly short time, helping you reach your fitness goals easily.